3D printed nuclear fuel debris filters tested

US company Westinghouse has supplied four lead test assemblies with 3D-printed bottom nozzles to Southern Nuclear's Farley nuclear power plant in Alabama. According to...

Australian Defence Force tests direct energy weapon

The Australian Defence Force has tested its Fractl Portable High Energy Laser, a new directed energy weapon able to localize threats as small as...

Critical infrastructure for terrorist online propaganda taken down

A large-scale joint operation of the European and US judicial and law enforcement authorities has led to the dismantling of critical online infrastructure used...

US Army receives new high-powered microwave weapon

The US Army has received a platoon of four “Leonidas” high-powered microwave weapons from the defense contractor Epirus after granting them a $66.1 million...

US company develops a new innovative nuclear battery

Infinity Power, a California-based company, claims to have developed a nuclear battery with the highest level of overall efficiency ever achieved compared to other...

Saverio Loffreda