Honduras: Enviromental contamination

Public authorities declared an alert for environmental contamination in the city of Tegucigalpa. The contamination occurred due to a dense layer of smoke in...

Long beach: Tuberculosis Cases in Hotel

The city's Chief Health Officer, Dr. Anissa Davis, declared a public health emergency after one person died and nine others were hospitalized for tuberculosis....

Peru: Dangerous levels of heavy metal contamination in Huancavelica

The Ministry of the Environment declared a state of environmental emergency in the region of Huancavelica, especially in Huancavelica city. The levels of heavy...

The first case of Avian infuenza in Vietnam

The International Health Regulations National Focal Point (IHR NFP) notified the WHO about a case of human infection with an influenza A(H9N2) virus in...

North Korea creating ‘poison pen’ weapons to spread biological diseases

U.S. experts have stated that North Korea has developed devices capable of spreading deadly diseases such as smallpox and anthrax. A report from the...

Rita Lamberti