Main construction stage started at Leningrad NPP Unit 7

First concrete was laid in the foundation of the reactor building of Unit 7 with a VVER-1200 reactor at the construction site of new...

The main pipeline connected to the Kursk NPP-2 power unit 2

At Kursk NPP-2, actually under construction, welding of the main circulation pipeline (MCP) has been completed in the Unit 2 reactor building, connecting the...

Japan is the first official donor of the pan-american Highway for Digital Health initiative

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Government of Japan have collaborated to enhance digital health services in Latin America and the Caribbean. A...

Russia and IAEA interdepartmental consultation cycle in Sochi

On 6th March, another round of interdepartmental consultations of the Russian delegation, headed by ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev, with the IAEA delegation led...

Papua New Guinea: enhancing health information skills

Papua New Guinea is the first country to have set up a clear path in adopting the regional WHO Data Management Competency Framework, in...

Nicolò Paganelli