Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant switched to reserve power line

Zaporizhzhia NPP again lost connection to its last remaining main external power line overnight and was switched to a reserve line. Such a situation...

Recorded cases Legionella bacterium infection in Poland

The Ministry of Health is investigating the possibility that the municipal water supply network is the source of a deadly outbreak of the Legionella...

Groundwater extraction begins at Zaporizhzhia NPP

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has begun pumping water from a new groundwater well and plans to build more at the site as part...

The first waste has been removed from the Sellafield silo

The Pile Fuel Cladding Silo, one of the oldest waste stores and one of the highest hazard facilities on the UK, holds over 3200...

Athletes contracted the Norovirus after the UK leg of the World Triathlon Championship

88 people contacted the North East Health Protection Team to report experiencing diarrhoea and vomiting symptoms after the event. 31 faecal samples were then...

Marianna Palmieri