Data stolen from London hospitals published on the dark web

On June 3, the Russian hacker group Qilin conducted a ransomware attack against three major hospitals in London. The cyberattack directly affected Synnovis, a...

DDoS attacks against Swiss government before Ukraine peace summit: Minor disruptions and no data security risk

On 13 June 2024, in conjunction with the summit on peace in Ukraine organized in Switzerland, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks occurred against...

Cyber ​​attack on the Territorial Social Health Authorities of the Lombardy Region

Hospitals are increasingly becoming targets of cyber attacks. Recently, the Asst Rhodense (Territorial Social Health Authorities), which includes the hospitals of Garbagnate, Bollate, and...

Another cyber attack on the London National Health System

The company providing essential services such as laboratory tests and main partner of London hospitals, Synnovis, has been the victim of a cyber attack,...

The Indian government is under hacker attack

Transparent Tribe, also known as APT36 and based in Pakistan, has stepped up its activities against the Indian government and the defense and aerospace...

Erjon Ciko