Cyber Attack on Nokia

The notorious hacker group 888 has stolen 2,622 pieces of information belonging to Nokia employees. The data stolen and subsequently published on hacking forums...

Cyber-attack on leading precious metals company Sibanye-Stillwater

The international company Sibanye-Stillwater, a leader in the mining of platinum, gold, palladium, and other precious metals in South Africa, the USA, Finland, France,...

Ransomware Attack on Illinois Hospital

Cybercriminal groups are increasingly targeting hospital facilities. This time, the hacker group known as LockBit Ransomware attacked Fairfield Memorial Hospital in Illinois (USA). The...

The Japanese company Fujitsu was the victim of a data breach

The well-known Japanese company Fujitsu recently declared that in March 2024 it was the victim of a cyber attack and that there was an...

Large data breach at Ticketmaster, impacting several companies

The ShinyHunters, a notorious group of cyber criminals and founders of the criminal marketplace BrachForums, stole Ticketmaster customer data in April 2024. The data...

Erjon Ciko