Two new dengue cases in Trieste

Two new instances of dengue fever have been reported in Trieste; one case is confirmed, and the other is under investigation. The affected individuals...

Mussel farming, Dioxin risk persists in Taranto

Following the detection of dioxin and PCB-DL levels well above the legal limits in mussels farmed in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto since 2016,...

West Nile in Italy, 4 dead in Modena

The number of deaths attributable to West Nile virus in Modena has increased to four, according to a recent report by the local health...

24 outbreaks of swine fever in Italy

Giovanni Filippini, the Extraordinary Commissioner for African Swine Fever, reported to ANSA news agency that Italy is currently experiencing 24 outbreaks of the disease....

Avian flu kills 15-year-old in Cambodia

A 15-year-old girl, diagnosed with the avian influenza A H5N1 virus, has passed away in Cambodia. The WHO confirmed the case after laboratory tests....

Elga Marvelli