A single mutation enhances H5N1 virus transmissibility to humans

A study published in the journal Science by researchers at Scripps Research in La Jolla, California, indicates that a single mutation in the haemagglutinin...

5 people killed in Calenzano oil depot blast identified

The five individuals who perished in the explosion at the Calenzano oil depot have been formally identified. The patients with minor injuries transported by...

ENI plant explosion in Calenzano: death toll rises

In the aftermath of the explosion that devastated the ENI oil depot in Calenzano, situated on the outskirts of Florence, firefighters have located the...

Romagna flu vaccination campaign, 66,000+ doses administered

In consideration of the anticipated peak in influenza cases during the Christmas holiday period, the regional health authorities of Emilia Romagna, Italy, have intensified...

Congo virus: Italy checking all ports

In light of the still-unknown disease that has resulted in over 70 fatalities in the Panzi region of Congo, the Italian government has intensified...

Elga Marvelli