Militants kill five Indian soldiers in Kashmir

The Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has stated that a terrorist attack on an Indian army convoy in the Himalayan territory of Jammu and...

165 cases of Salmonella in California from raw milk

At least 165 individuals have contracted Salmonella infections from consuming unpasteurized milk from Raw Farm, a dairy farm in Fresno, California, according to the...

Italy reports Legionella risk increase in Milan

Recently, 28 cases of Legionella infection have been reported in the Milan province, resulting in one death. The deceased was a 71-year-old woman who...

Milan factory worker overcome by chemical leak

A 54-year-old worker was exposed to a leak of titanium oxide and polyurethane resin while working at a chemical plant in Cinisello Balsamo, Milan,...

RecombinHunt, analysing data to predict emerging pandemics

A study featured in Nature Communication introduces RecombinHunt, a data-driven technique created by the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano...

Elga Marvelli