Somalia: IED explosion in Hiran province

According to local authorities, six people were killed and several wounded Thursday in a bomb blast in Hirshabele State. The attack involved a...

Mozambique: PRM collected UXO in Beira

According to the PRM spokesperson in Sofala, Dércio Chacate, the Mozambican Police (PRM) has collected 33 military explosive devices in Beira city and the...

Nigeria: Counter-terrorism operation against Boko Haram

Troops of 144 Battalion in collaboration with hybrid forces have neutralized a top Commander of the Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād (Boko Haram), Ari...

Somalia: massive VBIED explosion in Beledweyne

The death toll in a truck bomb explosion in the central Somali town of Beledweyne has risen to 18. Abdirahman Dahir Gure, the interior...

Madagascar: Enhancing GPEI

Led by Madagascar’s Ministry of Health, with support from WHO and health partners from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), successfully delivered more than...

Arianna Sottile