According to The Africa CDC’s Weekly Event-Based Surveillance Report, a total of 3593 cases (1283 confirmed; 2310 suspected) and 2 deaths (CFR:0.6%) of dengue...
According to The Africa CDC’s Weekly Event-Based Surveillance Report, the MoH reported 1273 ne cases (139 confirmed; 1134 suspected) and 3 new deaths (CFR:0.2%)...
According to The Africa CDC’s Weekly Event-Based Surveillance Report, the Zambia National Public Health Institute reported 866 cases (10 confirmed; 856 suspected) and 24...
According to The Africa CDC’s Weekly Event-Based Surveillance Report, the Moh reported 346 new cases (42 confirmed; 304 suspected) and no deaths of cholera...
According to The Africa CDC’s Weekly Event-Based Surveillance Report, the Moh reported 51 new confirmed cases and no new deaths of cholera from 5 districts....