Threat LensBiologicalDengue fever outbreak- Update

Dengue fever outbreak- Update

Type of event:




August 27, 2023

What happened

Faced with the increase in the number of dengue fever cases in the West Indies, Martinique and Guadeloupe have entered the epidemic phase since August 17, 2023, according to Public Health France. It is monitored by Public Health France Antilles, which publishes regular status updates on dengue fever in these territories. For several weeks, the circulation of the dengue virus has intensified in Martinique and Guadeloupe with an increase in the number of reported cases. The Technical Committees for Monitoring dengue fever in Guadeloupe and Martinique met on August 17, 2023 and concluded that the epidemiological situation of dengue fever in these two territories now corresponded to an epidemic phase. In Guadeloupe, the circulation of the virus continues to intensify within the archipelago and is particularly active in the municipalities of Saint-François and Trois-Rivières. Visits to the emergency room for dengue syndrome are on the increase.

Where it happened

Main sources