The release of volcanic gases in the Campi Flegrei area of Naples, Italy, has given rise to concerns regarding the potential consequences for human health, with the daily emission of approximately 5000 tonnes of carbon dioxide generating significant apprehension. In response, a meeting was convened in the prefecture of Naples, attended by health authorities, mayors of the Phlegrean area, national and regional Civil Protection authorities, and the heads of the Vesuvian Observatory. The meeting, coordinated by Prefect Michele di Bari, aimed to develop risk containment strategies, including continuous monitoring of the phenomenon. This crisis is evidenced by the recent upsurge in seismic activity in the area, which has resulted in a five-fold increase in sulphur dioxide emission in the Agnano-Pisciarelli and Solfatara areas. This increase has led to the levels of CO2 emissions matching those typically observed in a volcanic area in full activity.
A recent publication in the scientific journal Nature provides a link between the increase in volcanic gas emissions and the heightened seismicity observed at Campi Flegrei. Since 2021 the area has experienced an increase in seismic activity, characterised by ‘burst-like’ seismic swarms. This observation has been documented by researchers including Flora Giudicepietro of the Italian National Geophysical Institute (INGV), the primary author of the study.