The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has issued a statement on a recent Chinese study identifying the merbecovirus BtHKU5-CoV-2, noting that laboratory replication of animal-derived coronaviruses in human cells does not automatically indicate transmission of these viruses from animals to humans or among humans. Notably, ECDC specialists suggest that these results emphasize ‘the necessity for ongoing monitoring of coronaviruses and other pathogens that could cause pandemics.’ This declaration comes after the detection of a novel bat coronavirus strain capable of animal-to-human transmission due to its utilization of the same human receptor as the virus responsible for COVID-19. The discovery, made by the research group led by Chinese scientist Shi Zhengli, has generated apprehension among both the public and experts.
ECDC, No evidence of species jump for new coronavirus
Type of event:
Research & Innovation, Public Health, COVID-19
February 25, 2025