Threat LensBiologicalTuberculosis, a case in Siena

Tuberculosis, a case in Siena

Type of event:
Disease/Outbreak, Public Health





February 25, 2025

What happened

In Siena, Italy, a case of pulmonary tuberculosis has been identified in an individual employed at a secondary educational facility. Based on the findings of the ongoing epidemiological investigation, the local health authorities have concluded that the probability of the transmission of the disease within educational institutions is low. Before the onset of the observation period, scheduled to be conducted by the medical administration, students and practitioners identified as relevant contacts will undergo the Mantoux test. According to the Department of Prevention of Siena, a positive outcome is not necessarily indicative of the presence of active tuberculosis, but it does enable the timely implementation of an in-depth investigation and preventive therapy if deemed necessary. This incident marks the second case of pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed within a few days in Italy; a school-aged girl from Bari tested positive for tuberculosis last week and exhibited a low bacterial load. The patient is currently being treated at the ‘Giovanni XXIII’ paediatric hospital in Bari, and the family of the patient and her classmates and teachers are undergoing screening procedures and antibiotic prophylaxis, respectively.

Where it happened

Main sources