The 2nd Regiment Genio Pontieri of Piacenza (Editor’s note: a military unit of the Italian Army) has successfully defused the remnants of war (ERW) discovered during a construction intervention on private property in Porto Santo Stefano, in the province of Grosseto, Italy. The device in question was identified as a Second World War-era plane bomb, weighing approximately 213 kilograms and containing approximately 66 kilograms of high-potential explosive, with a solitary activation device (spool) of the ‘tail’ type found to be in a secure state. To ensure the safety of the operation, a 200-metre exclusion zone was established, encompassing the site of the device discovery and the nearby municipal roads. The Italian Army’s explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialists subsequently transported the device to the Albanesi quarry, located in the nearby town of Manciano, for its ultimate destruction. The coordination of this intervention was overseen by the Grosseto Prefecture in conjunction with the operational forces command in northern Padua.
Monte Argentario update: defused ERW found
Type of event:
ERW - Explosive Remnants of War
February 5, 2025