WorldAsia-OceaniaThe Atomic Energy Agency of China signed the Long-term Cooperation Program in...

The Atomic Energy Agency of China signed the Long-term Cooperation Program in the area of fast reactors and nuclear fuel cycle closure

Type of event:
Nuclear Policies




March 22, 2023

What happened

The Comprehensive Long-Term Cooperation Program regarding fast reactors and nuclear fuel cycle closure was signed on the sidelines of Xi Jinping’s state visit to Russia. The Director General of ROSATOM Alexey Likhachev and the Chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority Zhang Kejian signed the document. This document covers several strategic areas all-in-one: expansion of interaction with regard to the current projects, implementation of new ones related to fast reactors, uranium-plutonium fuel production, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management, etc.

The Comprehensive Program provides a roadmap development for its implementation by the end of 2024. This involves cooperation over decades ahead and the establishment of nuclear power engineering development vectors at a global level.

Where it happened

Main sources