WorldEuropeLeonardo and Rheinmetall signed a deal to develop Ground Defence Systems

Leonardo and Rheinmetall signed a deal to develop Ground Defence Systems

Type of event:
New business deal




July 3, 2024

What happened

Leonardo and Rheinmetall have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a partnership to develop a European industrial and technological approach in the field of ground defense systems. This partnership, established in Italy, will develop a Main Battle Tank and a Lynx platform for the Italian Armored Infantry Combat System. Leonardo will oversee the development and production of mission systems, electronic suites, and weapons integration, while Rheinmetall will supply the core technology for the programs. This includes the newly developed Panther main battle tank and the latest Lynx infantry fighting vehicle. The final assembly lines, testing, and logistic support will all take place in Italy. The partnership aims to set new standards and lead the development and modernization of state-of-the-art combat vehicles in Europe.

Where it happened

Main sources