WorldAfricaTunisia: Multinational collaboration in Countering Explosive Threats

Tunisia: Multinational collaboration in Countering Explosive Threats

Type of event:
IED - Improvised Explosive Device, Counter-IED




May 5, 2024

What happened

The U.S. Forensic Exploitation Department, stationed at the Djibouti Joint Theater Forensic Analysis Center, conducted a simulated improvised explosive device (IED) scenario alongside the Tunisian Armed Forces during the African Lion 2024 (AL24) exercise held in Bizerte. This exercise is part of the 20th-anniversary commemoration of the U.S. Africa Command’s primary joint training event, organized by the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF), occurring from April 19 to May 31.

AL24 spans multiple locations, including Morocco, Ghana, Senegal, and Tunisia, and involves over 8,100 participants from 27 nations, along with NATO contingents. The scenario aimed to simulate real-world conditions and challenges associated with detecting, neutralizing, and investigating explosive threats, enhancing the preparedness and collaboration of participating forces in countering such threats in the region. This exercise underscores the importance of multinational cooperation and preparedness in addressing security challenges, particularly in areas prone to terrorist activities and asymmetric warfare.

Where it happened

Main sources