Threat LensExplosivesPBIED Explosion in front of the Russian Embassy in Afghanistan

PBIED Explosion in front of the Russian Embassy in Afghanistan

Type of event:
PBIED - Personal-Borne Improvised Explosive Device





September 11, 2022

What happened

A man wearing explosives tried to blow himself up in front of the Russian Embassy in Kabul, in the Darul Aman area of ​​PD7.  The man was stopped before he did, but his capture still caused the explosion. The blast killed 25 people and resulted in an unknown number of injuries.

According to Kabul security department spokesman Zadran, a suicide bomber was intending to explode himself among the people who were gathered in front of the Russian Embassy, but he was identified by security and targeted, which caused a blast killing four civilians, two workers of the Russian Embassy, and several other Afghans.  

Where it happened

Main sources