Threat LensBiologicalOutbreak of Hepatitis A in Slovakia

Outbreak of Hepatitis A in Slovakia

Type of event:





October 10, 2023

What happened

136 new cases of viral Hepatitis A were detected in the first week of October. Most cases are among children in the age groups of 5-9 years and 1-4 years. In response, the Slovak health authorities implemented a number of measures including: vaccination of individuals in affected areas, including staff in health and education facilities; information to the public on hepatitis A virus and its prevention; prohibition of organising and holding mass events; instructions on the need to disinfect surfaces and practise hand hygie. The disease is transmitted from person to person, especially in children living in areas with sub-optimal hygienic conditions. The health risk is reduced as infection is almost often asymptomatic or very mild in children.

Where it happened

Main sources