Threat LensBiologicalOutbreak of Botulism in Bordeaux: 1 person died and 12 in intensive...

Outbreak of Botulism in Bordeaux: 1 person died and 12 in intensive care

Type of event:






September 14, 2023

What happened

Fans from Ireland and Wales spent their weekends in France during the Rugby World Cup campaign when the outbreak broke out. It was later linked to sardines served in the Tchin Tchin wine shop in Bordeaux.  The local health authority urges those who have visited to be extra vigilant. Botulism is a serious neurological disease that can be caused by eating improperly stored food. It is fatal in 5-10% of cases and can cause muscle and respiratory paralysis. The initial symptoms of the disease are weakness and dizziness, followed by blurred vision and difficulty swallowing and speaking.

Where it happened

Main sources