WorldAfricaRift Valley Fever Outbreak in Mauritania - Update

Rift Valley Fever Outbreak in Mauritania – Update

Type of event:





September 21, 2022

What happened

According to the WHO “Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Emergencies” (Week 39: 19 – 25 September 2022), a new confirmed case of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) was reported by the Mauritanian Ministry of Health on 29 August 2022. The index case is a 25-year-old male breeder from the Moughataa (District) of Tintane in Hodh El Gharbi Region, died on 29 August.

As of 21 September 2022, a total of 21 cases have been confirmed with 12 deaths (CFR 57.1%). Response activities are underway including enhanced surveillance and investigations.

Where it happened

Main sources