WorldAfricaLandmine detonation in Mandera

Landmine detonation in Mandera

Type of event:
IED - Improvised Explosive Device





June 8, 2023

What happened

According to the local police report, seven police officers sustained injuries when the vehicle they were traveling in ran over an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Mandera South. The vehicle was carrying Quick Response Unit (QRU) officers on regular patrol when they were attacked in Mandera North near the Kenya-Somalia border. The IED had been strategically planted on the left side of the road, leading to the incident. The QRU officers were traveling in an armored Land Rover vehicle along the Elwak-Alungu road where the incident occurred. Following investigators’ statement, the attack was orchestrated by suspected Al-Shabaab militants.

Where it happened

Main sources