After the demise of a senior collector, their successors uncovered a concealed collection of armaments and grenades originating from the wartime era (ERW). These items were located within a trunk in the basement of a condominium in the Madonna dell’Olmo district of Cuneo, on the outskirts of the urban area. Upon this discovery, a series of remedial procedures were commenced. The disposal of the explosive devices was executed by the 32/o Genio Guastatori di Fossano bomb disposal unit, with supplementary support from two detachments of the military Red Cross and the attendance of Carabinieri military personnel. The pertinent agencies are anticipating the neutralisation of these devices to be achieved in both a safe and effective manner.
Cuneo, ERW found in a condominium cellar
Type of event:
Explosive Risk, ERW - Explosive Remnants of War
March 7, 2025