Network newsCanada: CNSC schedules hearings for Denison's River Wheeler project

Canada: CNSC schedules hearings for Denison’s River Wheeler project

Type of event:
New business deal, Nuclear safety, Nuclear energy




March 3, 2025

What happened

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has scheduled the public hearings for the Wheeler River uranium project. The project is conducted by Denison, a uranium mining and exploration company with interests in the Athabasca Basin region. The public hearings are scheduled for October 8, 2025, and December 8 to 12, 2025. They will assess the project’s environmental impact and are the final step in the federal approval process of the initiative. If the CNSC will deliver a prompt decision after the hearings, Denison expects to start site preparation and construction activities in early 2026. According to David Cates, CEO of the company, the hearing schedule reduces uncertainty around the project and allows the operations team to plan their construction efforts more precisely. Denison’s target is to start production from the site by the first half of 2028.
Denison completed several key regulatory steps in 2024. The Wheeler River uranium project aims to develop the largest uranium unexploited source in the eastern portion of the Athabasca Basin. Denison has a 95% interest in the operation and controls other large properties in the region.

Where it happened

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