Threat LensBiologicalSheffield: severe rat infestation in Olive Grove Road

Sheffield: severe rat infestation in Olive Grove Road

Type of event:
Public health, Public hygiene




March 2, 2025

What happened

Residents of a street in Sheffield are concerned about a severe rat infestation in their neighbourhood. At least 19 properties on Olive Grove Road have been affected by it, causing significant damage and potential health hazards. Rats have been found in kitchens, attics, and bedrooms. They have chewed electrical wirings and damaged water pipes. There are also growing concerns over potential disease due to the smell of dead animals in the neighbourhood. According to resident Scarlett Gash, Sheffield Council has not responded to repeated requests for help and left the streets’ dwellers on their own. Now, they formally demand urgent intervention and threaten to take the issue to the local government ombudsman if the council continues to ignore their pleas.

Where it happened

Main sources