Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. (TEPCO) announced that a nuclear power plant in Niigata prefecture will postpone the completion of anti-terrorism measures at one of its idle reactors to late 2029. The plant is Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, where TEPCO wanted to restart the No. 7 reactor by this summer. However, delays in construction works have pushed back the restoration of the reactor to August 2029, resulting in the further postponement of mandatory anti-terrorism measures required by the Nuclear Regulation Authority. These measures have been adopted after the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima. No. 6 reactor at the same plant will also postpone the completion of anti-terrorism measures from September 2026 to September 2031. Both reactors cleared safety screenings in 2017, and No.7 started to load nuclear fuel in April 2024.
During a press conference, Takeyuki Inagaki, TEPCO’s superintendent of the plant, justified the postponement of the measures with the difficulty of keeping a precise schedule for a project of such a large scale. To restart the reactors, TEPCO will need the final consent of local authorities, but Niigata Governor Hideyo Hanazumi has not yet declared his position on the issue.
Niigata nuclear reactor postpones anti-terrorism measures to 2029
Type of event:
Nuclear safety, Anti-terrorism measures
February 27, 2025