One person has died in a leprosy outbreak among Orang Asli communities in Kuala Pilah. The victim is an 18-year-old girl at Kampung Chergun who suffered from a fever for a week. Eight other villagers between the ages of 7 and 85 have also been infected with the disease, and both Kampung Chergun and Kampung Guntur have been placed under quarantine. The nearby eco-park of Jeram Tengkek is also being closed temporarily to contain the spread of the disease. Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is an infection caused by mycobacterium leprae. Victims lose the function of their hands or joints and end up handicapped. In Malaysia, there were 142 leprosy cases in 2021. This number has increased substantially in the following years, reaching 256 in 2023. Malaysian health authorities aim to curb the disease and reach zero cases by 2030.
Malaysia: 1 dead in leprosy outbreak in Kuala Pilah
Type of event:
Disease/Outbreak, Public health
February 19, 2025