Threat LensBiologicalDengue fever, first case in France

Dengue fever, first case in France

Type of event:





April 17, 2023

What happened

Europe is experiencing an increase in areas at risk of dengue disease, which is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito. The main cause is sudden climate change. Of concern is the infection of a British woman in Nice, southern France, in September 2022. Between June and September 2022, the Agence Regionale de Santé (Ars) in France reported three separate outbreaks of indigenous transmission of the dengue virus, i.e. infections contracted domestically without the patients having travelled abroad. Dengue has a very low mortality rate, around 1% of cases, but this rises to 40% if the disease is complicated by the haemorrhagic form. In about 75% of cases, the disease is asymptomatic and goes undetected.

Where it happened

Main sources