Threat LensBiologicalSuspected cholera case in Brescia

Suspected cholera case in Brescia

Type of event:
Disease/Outbreak, Public Health, Biohazard





January 31, 2025

What happened

A suspected case of cholera has been identified at the ‘Fondazione Poliambulanza’ in Brescia following the detection of a positive Vibrio cholerae test result in an individual who arrived in Italy from Nigeria on 29th January, accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms on the same day. Consequently, the local health authority (ATS of Brescia) and the Lombardy Region, in agreement with the Italian National Institute of Health, have ordered tests to verify the possible presence of the toxin and the disease. The specific nature of the tests will be to determine whether or not the isolated strain belongs to the serogroups capable of producing the enterotoxin, which is the causative agent responsible for severe diarrheal symptoms in cases where Vibrio cholerae is present (i.e. serotypes O1 or O139), or if it belongs to another strain which does not constitute a significant public health problem. Concurrently, the epidemiological investigation conducted by ATS Brescia has substantiated that the case is isolated, and the primary contacts have been identified. In the event of an identification, containment measures are already in place to prevent the spread of the disease. ATS Brescia and the Lombardy Region are in continuous communication with the Italian Ministry of Health to ensure the receipt of prompt updates, as reported by the media.

Where it happened

Main sources