Threat LensBiologicalSuspected Anisakis infection in Naples

Suspected Anisakis infection in Naples

Type of event:
FBD - Food-borne Disease, Food Alert





January 17, 2025

What happened

A case of suspected Anisakis infection was recorded in Soccavo, a municipality of Naples, Italy, in a young patient who had consumed raw fish in a local seafood restaurant. The patient was subjected to collecting of organic samples for specific analyses, which are still pending. The local health authorities (ASL 1 Napoli), in collaboration with the NAS Carabinieri, conducted a health inspection of the restaurant in question, which revealed food that may not have complied with the regulations. The restaurant has been temporarily closed while further analysis is underway. Meanwhile, the ASL has issued a notice to customers who have eaten there in recent days, advising those experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms to contact their GP, the Emergency Medical Service, or the Emergency Room. There are no further reports, and no one has come to the attention of local health facilities and hospitals. Anisakis is a fish parasite that, if consumed raw or undercooked and not killed by rigorous freezing procedures, can cause infections by releasing substances into the gastric mucosa, resulting in acute gastrointestinal symptoms. The food-borne disease under discussion typically undergoes spontaneous remission after several weeks, rarely persisting for several months.

Where it happened

Main sources