Threat LensBiologicalFood recall for Salmonella risk in Italian sausage

Food recall for Salmonella risk in Italian sausage

Type of event:
Biological agent spread or incident, Food Alert, Public Health




November 27, 2024

What happened

A food recall has been published on the official website of the Italian Ministry of Health concerning a specific batch of sausage known as ‘luganega’ (a meat product that must be cooked before consumption) due to a potential risk of contamination with Salmonella spp. The manufacturer has recommended that consumers refrain from ingesting the product in question. Consumers who have purchased the product are encouraged to return it to the point of sale for a full refund. Salmonella is the bacterium most commonly associated with food-borne infections and is the causative agent of salmonellosis. In most cases, the disease is relatively mild and does not necessitate admittance to a hospital. Nevertheless, in individuals with underlying vulnerabilities, the disease may evolve into more severe forms that require hospitalisation, given that the symptoms may range from mild gastrointestinal distress to more severe clinical manifestations.

Where it happened

Main sources