WorldEuropeELROB 2024: Rheinmetall wins with autonomous PATH A-Kit

ELROB 2024: Rheinmetall wins with autonomous PATH A-Kit

Type of event:
New technology presentation




August 29, 2024

What happened

Rheinmetall has demonstrated its expertise in artificial intelligence by winning first place in the “Automated Convoy” category at the European Land Robot Trial 2024 (ELROB) competition. The Rheinmetall InterRoC team, consisting of the Research & Technology divisions of Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH and Rheinmetall Canada Inc., has successfully used the PATH range kit installed on HX trucks to overcome complex challenges, as dynamic obstacles and electromagnetic interference. The PATH A-Kit system, which can be installed on various vehicles, has enabled vehicles to operate without GPS in difficult environments. Rheinmetall received the award for best performance of the convoy, marking an important milestone for the company.

Where it happened

Main sources