WorldAfricaYellow Fever Outbreak in Chad - Update

Yellow Fever Outbreak in Chad – Update

Type of event:





September 13, 2022

What happened

According to the WHO “Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and other Emergencies” (Week 39: 19 – 25 September 2022), the Institut Pasteur in Dakar confirmed 2 samples from Mandoul District, Chad, positive for Yellow Fever.

As of 13 September 2022, 1.769 suspected cases of YF have been reported, including 38 probable and 29 lab-confirmed cases with 7 deaths (CFR 0.4%). Thirty-two new suspected cases were reported on week 35, and 26 samples tested negative at the National Laboratory. A total of 23/126 Districts in 9/23 Provinces have been affected since the beginning of the outbreak.

Where it happened

Main sources