WorldAfricaTerrorist attack in Burkina Faso

Terrorist attack in Burkina Faso

Type of event:
Terrorist/rebel/criminal assault






August 27, 2024

What happened

A terrorist attack killed around 200 people in the town of Barsalogho, in Burkina Faso, and left another 140 injured. The assault seems to have been carried out by the Al Qaeda-affiliated militant group, Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM), in the northern region of the West African nation, which has captured extensive territories in the past few years. JNIM is one of the armed groups that has crossed the border into Burkina Faso from neighbouring Mali, contributing to a significant deterioration in the security situation that has resulted in two military coups in 2022. The territory is experiencing profound instability and insecurity, prompting authorities to closely monitor the situation in an effort to prevent such conflicts, particularly as numerous individuals reside in challenging conditions. The terrorist attack was roundly condemned by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

Where it happened

Main sources