WorldAfricaYellow Fever Outbreak in Cameroon - Update

Yellow Fever Outbreak in Cameroon – Update

Type of event:




September 13, 2022

What happened

According to the WHO “Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and other Emergencies” (Week 39: 19 – 25 September 2022), as of 13 September 2022, a total of 2.534 suspected cases of Yellow Fever have been reported since the beginning of the outbreak in 2021, including 17 probable and 35 laboratory-confirmed cases.

One PCR+ case has recently been reported in Tcholire District (North Region), with symptoms onset on 12 August 2022. In addition, 10 PRNT+ cases are pending classification, including one case from East Region reported on 12 September by Institut Pasteur Dakar. Cumulatively, all 10 Regions and 32 Districts have been affected since the beginning of the outbreak in 2021.

Where it happened

Main sources