WorldAsia-OceaniaCyber-attack on public transport in a Japanese prefecture

Cyber-attack on public transport in a Japanese prefecture

Type of event:




July 19, 2024

What happened

On July 18, 2024, public transport in Aomori Prefecture (Japan) was the target of a cyber-attack by a group of presumably foreign cybercriminals.

Initially, the websites of public transport companies encountered problems accessing digital services, but this did not immediately point to a hacker attack, as the deputy manager of the Aomori branch of Seikan Ferry Co., Ltd, Kudo Reito, said there had been no precedents.

The affected entities were Aomori Airport Building Co., Ltd, Seikan Ferry Co., Ltd, Konan Bus, Tsugaru Kaikyo Ferry, and Shimokita Transportation.

Currently, there are still disservices on the websites of several companies, as in the case of Aomori Airport Building Co., Ltd, where it has been impossible to view flight information since the afternoon of July 18, and of Seikan Ferry Co., Ltd, where the malfunctions in the online booking system caused the impossibility of making reservations.

Therefore, experts are trying to restore the computer systems of the affected companies while law enforcement agencies are monitoring and investigating possible culprits to prevent further attacks. The early evidence, including a statement of responsibility, seems to point to an overseas hacker group.

Where it happened

Main sources