WorldEuropeEDA launches the third phase of the MLM-NG project for modular mine-sweeping

EDA launches the third phase of the MLM-NG project for modular mine-sweeping

Type of event:
New technology presentation




July 1, 2024

What happened

The European Defence Agency (EDA) has launched the third phase of the Modular Lightweight Minesweeping Next Generation (MLM-NG) project with a budget of 9.2 million euro and involving six Member States. The objective is to improve the technological readiness of systems and demonstrate the operational use of modular lightweight mine-sweeping. Several European nations plan to upgrade their mine-sweeping capabilities with autonomous and remote systems, but the technology is not yet mature. The project involves the development of unmanned surface vehicles (USV) with lightweight sweeping tools. The previous phase created prototypes and demonstrated the feasibility of the modular concept. MLM-NG will continue development and culminate with a demonstration at sea in 2026 in Norway, where systems will be remotely controlled.

Where it happened

Main sources