WorldAfricaNigeria: PBIED blasts in Borno State

Nigeria: PBIED blasts in Borno State

Type of event:
IED - Improvised Explosive Device, PBIED - Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Device





June 29, 2024

What happened

According to emergency service officials, at least 18 people were killed and several others injured by multiple suicide attacks, carried out by women, in Gwoza, north-east Nigeria. The first PBIED detonated during a wedding celebration, resulting in the deaths of seven people, including the attacker and the child she was carrying. Two more attackers struck later near a hospital and at the funeral services for a victim of the earlier blast. Authorities did not say how many devices were detonated, nor how many people were killed in the other two attacks. According to the director general of the Borno State Emergency Management Agency, at least 18 people were killed by the series of attacks although some Nigerian media outlets reported that at least 30 people were killed. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Where it happened

Main sources