Threat LensBiologicalUK E. coli outbreak kills one person

UK E. coli outbreak kills one person

Type of event:






June 27, 2024

What happened

The UK Health Security Agency has reported the death of a person in England linked to the current Escherichia coli outbreak. The epidemic is suspected to have originated from supermarket rolls containing salad leaves. As a result, several food producers have recalled specific products from the market as a precaution.

As of June 25, there have been 275 reported cases of E. coli (STEC) O145 across the United Kingdom. The total number of affected individuals may rise as additional patient samples await analysis, even though the infection rate appears to be decelerating. Information from 249 cases shows that about half of those affected needed hospitalization. E. coli constitute a varied group of bacteria commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals. While many strains are benign, the strain involved in this outbreak is especially virulent, potentially damaging the patient’s intestinal lining.

Where it happened

Main sources