WorldAfricaCholera Outbreak in Cameroon - Update

Cholera Outbreak in Cameroon – Update

Type of event:





September 8, 2022

What happened

According to the WHO “Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies”, 295 new suspected cases of cholera including 6 deaths have been reported from 3 active Regions: Littoral (262 cases, six deaths); Centre (27 cases); West (two cases). As of 8 September 2022, 11,627 suspected cases, including 1063 laboratory-confirmed cases and 238 deaths (CFR 2.0%), have been reported since October 2021, from eight Regions and 49 Districts, of which 25 remain active. South-West (6 013 cases) and Littoral (4712 cases) Regions have reported majority of cases. The outbreak’s hotspot has shifted from South-West to Littoral.

Where it happened

Main sources