WorldEuropeCritical infrastructure for terrorist online propaganda taken down

Critical infrastructure for terrorist online propaganda taken down

Type of event:




June 14, 2024

What happened

A large-scale joint operation of the European and US judicial and law enforcement authorities has led to the dismantling of critical online infrastructure used for terrorist communications and propaganda. The operation, which is part of ongoing efforts and constant vigilance to tackle online terrorist propaganda and communications, targeted the key tools and nodes used to disseminate radical messages centered on the I’LAM Foundation, which created and supported websites linked to the Islamic State terrorist organization. It took down servers in Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, and Iceland, with the Spanish authorities arresting nine radicalized individuals. The first insight into the communications of media linked to the I’LAM Foundation was gained from the investigations and monitoring of online terrorist organizations led by the Spanish Guardia Civil in 2022, which led to the uncovering of websites and communication channels that had a global reach and communicated messages in over 30 languages.

Where it happened

Main sources