WorldEuropeCyber ​​attack on the Territorial Social Health Authorities of the Lombardy Region

Cyber ​​attack on the Territorial Social Health Authorities of the Lombardy Region

Type of event:




June 7, 2024

What happened

Hospitals are increasingly becoming targets of cyber attacks. Recently, the Asst Rhodense (Territorial Social Health Authorities), which includes the hospitals of Garbagnate, Bollate, and Rho, was hit between 5 and 6 June by a cyber attack compromising their information systems. The accident led to the suspension of numerous non-urgent surgeries and other healthcare services such as Cup reservations. Specialist services such as nuclear medicine, radiology, and analysis laboratories were also interrupted. However, the emergency rooms remained active but also in this case the Asst advised users to contact other hospitals.
Immediately, Asst Rhodense requested the support of the Regional Task Force to restore the systems as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the National Cybersecurity Agency was alerted, which sent a team to facilitate the recovery of the computer systems. Although the nature of the attack is unclear, it could be ransomware, as often happens in these cases. So far, no cybercriminal group has claimed responsibility for the action.
The Milan postal police, with the support of the Cybercrime Center for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Cyber ​​Security, is investigating to reconstruct the dynamics of the criminal action. In the meantime, Asst Rhodense has set up a service to inform users and manage their requests. Furthermore, the outpatient services already scheduled were guaranteed. This new cyber attack highlights the importance of investing in training staff working with IT tools. Phishing attacks are often the gateway to these cyber attacks. The need to strengthen cybersecurity in all critical infrastructures is increasingly evident.

Where it happened

Main sources