Threat LensBiologicalAntigua and Barbuda's EMT got PAHO support for the SIDS 2024 Conference

Antigua and Barbuda’s EMT got PAHO support for the SIDS 2024 Conference

Type of event:
Public Health




May 22, 2024

What happened

The Emergency Medical Team (EMT) of Antigua and Barbuda received training and technical support from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the conference “Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 2024”, held on the days from 27th to 30th May. The support objective is to make Antigua and Barbuda capable of deploying its own trained and specialized Type 1 Emergency Medical Teams at the SIDS conference, aiming to obtain positive comments for an EMT readily deployable in the country’s future health emergencies. Specifically, PAHO assisted Antigua and Barbuda by supplying essential resources, including a water supply kit, waste management kit, medical imaging kit, and a portable ultrasound.

Where it happened

Main sources