Threat LensBiologicalAvian Influenza Virus: Expert Group convenes at Italian Ministry of Health

Avian Influenza Virus: Expert Group convenes at Italian Ministry of Health

Type of event:
Public Health




May 29, 2024

What happened

Official sources have stated that the “Expert group to define the functioning of the national network of public human and veterinary laboratories for the early detection of influenza virus strains with zoonotic potential” convened on May 27 to evaluate the risk of the virus spreading among animals in our country and the potential for transmission to humans, following the discovery of Avian influenza infections in two individuals in the United States. The Group, consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Health, Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes, and other technical-scientific entities, was established in 2021. Its creation was a component of implementing the PanFlu 2021 – 2023 Pandemic Plan, with the responsibility to develop and update operational procedures for the national network of public human and veterinary laboratories in Italy.

Francesco Vaia, the Director General for Health Prevention at the Ministry of Health, has stated that while there is no current alert for Avian influenza in Italy, the scientific community maintains a high vigilance. This is to monitor the international spread, update national risk assessments, and assess preventive measures at the national level.

Where it happened

Main sources