Threat LensExplosivesSaudi cluster bomb explosion injures 10 Yemeni children

Saudi cluster bomb explosion injures 10 Yemeni children

Type of event:
ERW - Explosive Remnants of War, MOTAPM - Mines Other Than Anti-Personnel Mines






September 25, 2022

What happened

The Executive Center for Mine Action (YEMAC) disclosed that cluster bombs and war remnants resulted in 11 civilian casualties in the provinces of Al Hudaydah and Al Bayda. According to a statement given to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the center reported that a bomb explosion from the remnants of air raids injured 10 children in the Al-Jah area of Bayt al-Faqīh district in Al Hudaydah Governorate while another explosion killed a citizen in the Noman district of Al-Bayda province (Yemen).

YEMAC has criticized international and humanitarian organizations for overlooking the center’s requests for tools and equipment required to decontaminate affected areas. It has renewed its appeal for the provision of mine detectors and essential supplies, which are necessary for the center to effectively conduct its operations to remove mines and cluster bombs.

Where it happened

Main sources