Threat LensBiologicalCBRN: The Italian Air Force took part in the Brave Beduin 2024...

CBRN: The Italian Air Force took part in the Brave Beduin 2024 training exercise

Type of event:
CBRN Training




April 25, 2024

What happened

From April 21 to 25, the Italian Air Force participated in Brave Beduin 2024, a comprehensive inter-force and multinational exercise, at the Area Control Center in Skive, Denmark. The exercise was centered on C.B.R.N. (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) scenarios, with objectives to evaluate the efficiency of Warning & Reporting systems and to promote the sharing of technical, tactical, and procedural insights among the 21 nations involved. The Italian Air Force has been actively adapting and training in response to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, aligning with standards established by the European Union (EU) and NATO. As a significant contributor to this domain, it is anticipated to become part of the NATO JOINT C.B.R.N. DEFENCE TASK FORCE within the next two years.

Where it happened

Main sources