Threat LensBiologicalDengue, cases in Italy rise to 197 in 2024

Dengue, cases in Italy rise to 197 in 2024

Type of event:





May 16, 2024

What happened

Between January 1 and May 13, 2024, the Bulletin of the “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (ISS) reported 197 confirmed cases of Dengue, all linked to international travel, with no fatalities. The median age of those infected is 43 years, with males comprising 52% of the cases. The regions in Italy with the highest number of Dengue cases are Lazio with 38, Veneto with 37, and Lombardy with 31. Emilia Romagna reports 25 cases, Piedmont 19, and Tuscany 16. The most affected age group is 30-39 years, followed by those aged 40-49, 50-59, and 20-29. The majority of the cases have been imported from South America.

The National Surveillance System has reported that in the first quarter of 2024, the confirmed cases of Dengue virus have risen approximately sixfold compared to the same period in 2023. This surge aligns with the global trend of increasing Dengue virus transmission in recent years. The ISS also reports 4 confirmed cases of Zika virus (all associated with travel abroad, no deaths); 4 confirmed cases of Chikungunya (all associated with travel abroad, no deaths); 5 confirmed cases of neuro-invasive infection – TBE (all native, no deaths); no case of Toscana virus.

Where it happened

Main sources