Threat LensBiologicalListeria outbreak linked to smoked salmon contamination

Listeria outbreak linked to smoked salmon contamination

Type of event:
Biological agent spread or incident, Disease/Outbreak




April 25, 2024

What happened

Since 2019, several European countries have reported a cluster of 20 human cases of Listeria monocytogenes ST1607, with a significant increase after 2021. The suspected source of infection is sliced smoked salmon. Investigations revealed the persistence of the epidemic strain in a Danish processing facility, indicating insufficient control of the contamination. Until the roots of the contamination are identified and addressed, new cases may emerge, especially among vulnerable people. National research has identified the epidemic strain in several batches of smoked salmon from the aforementioned Danish facility. Despite the control measures taken, there is a risk that new contaminated batches could be marketed. This situation underlines the importance of effectively identifying and managing contamination points along the fish production chain to prevent further infection, especially among vulnerable people.

Where it happened

Main sources